
The Pastor’s Wedding Manual is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Pastor’s Wedding Manual is a collection of creative wedding ceremonies to help guide the pastor in making the wedding service a worshipful experience. Henry divides the manual into three sections: one reflects on what to do before the couple says, “I do”; one discusses the planning of the wedding ceremony; and the third section provides numerous samples for the wedding ceremony itself.

makes it “legal,” or it is a cultural custom. The interview is basic to all else that follows. Here are some of the reasons: It enables you to get to know the couple in a much deeper relationship. Thus, when they stand at the altar, they see you as a trusted friend and vice versa. It prevents those who want you to marry them on the spur of the moment from taking advantage of your compassionate spirit and demanding your services because you are a minister. When you explain you have a policy requiring
Pages 12–13